

The perfect soil cocktail to keep your succulents not only surviving but thriving

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The Number One Mistake Succulent Parents Make

You just picked up a few succulent babies, some garden soil and a cute little planter at your local garden centre. You are excited to start this new hobby of yours.

But week by week, your fat little babies get increasingly wrinkly and skinny.

By the end of the month, they shrivel, turn brown and die.

You question your talent at plant-parenting.

Having been through all of this pain and now having a beautiful ,thriving collection of succulents, the game changer tip we can give is this:


Succulents are desert plants, they lived their entire lives in cycles of spare rain and complete dryness. Their root genetics do not respond well to regular garden soil, leading to rot and stunted growth.

PlantsBeau Succulent Soil is sourced and mixed to replicate a succulents original habitat. With proper airy, well-draining ingredients and nutrients, we have yet to meet a succulent (any species) that doesn’t love growing in it.

Whats in the Soil?

Potting with PlantsBeau

Reasons to use Plantsbeau

Nutrient Rich

Contains all the essential nutrients your budding succulent needs to grow healthy

Suitable For All

Tried and tested with a variety of species all with stellar results.

Airy & Drainy

High quality grit, perlite, lava rock, and fertiliser traces to keep the soil very light and airy, it drains almost instantly.


We worry about the mixing, you sit back and watch your plants flourish

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